Tag Archive for: Biochar

How one Southern startup recycles farm waste to purify water, build green, and generate power.

As an entrepreneur running a business incubator in the Memphis area, Bryan Eagle knew nothing about the organic charcoal product known as biochar. He wasn’t alone, as the material made from plant waste occupies an obscure niche in agricultural communities and isn’t widely used in the U.S. However, the modernization of an ancient technique has opened up a world of possibilities, and biochar is poised to take off as the green solution to a slew of 21st-century problems.

Biochar is a stable carbon material made from plant-based biomass. Far from a new concept, biochar is as old as agriculture itself. Indigenous people have effectively added burned organic waste to fields for millennia, but the idea that biochar could be perfected for industrial uses and to mitigate climate change has been around for less than 20 years.

Bryan says he first ran across biochar through a nonprofit venture focused on leveraging technologies from the local university network in Memphis. “The professor who created this approached me, and I knew nothing about clean tech, ag waste, or biochar. But the more I read about it, the more excited I became about the potential,” he said. “We saw early on that this could be a powerful tool in addressing climate change, not just in our business but on a global basis, that’s very quick, very low-cost.”

Bryan’s company, Glanris, now produces a designer Biocarbon that functions as everything from a soil amendment to a filler in asphalt, concrete, drywall, and a filter for air and water. Unlike traditional biochar products made from waste wood, Glanris has a sustainable and locally grown raw material supply of rice husks.

“We started this journey in 2019 to look at what we can do with all the ag waste generated across the river in Arkansas,” Bryan said. He approached Riceland Foods, the largest rice producer in the state, to find a way to repurpose their waste material. “There are 60-acre landfills that are being filled up with rice hulls,” he said, “so we set up to try to find a greener alternative.”

Glanris superheats the husks using a process called pyrolysis, which removes combustible gasses in the absence of oxygen and seals carbon into blackened biochar granules. Instead of plant material burning or rotting and being released into the atmosphere as CO2, biochar stabilizes the carbon content so it doesn’t break down. The pyrolysis units pump out a patented Biocarbon product resembling coal-black shards of confetti, which is packaged in 300-pound “Supersacks” or smaller boxes and shipped all over the globe.

“The rice mills are paying $12-20 per ton to haul this stuff away,” Bryan said. If you can instead turn it into products that give you heat, electricity, and water filtration, we make more selling our biocarbon into the environmental remediation market than they do from the rice.”

Follow the green

As founder and CEO, Bryan started small while thinking big. One shrewd move was to make his new company a family affair. When his daughter Anastasia Eagle returned to the South, her business and PR skills were quickly put to use at Glanris.

“When we first started the company, we were a two-person operation. That’s startup life. We’ve worn many hats on our heads, we’ve been able to do it all,” she said. “Now that we’re able to expand and grow, I am getting more back into the marketing side.”

Anastasia is thankful to be part of something that will help the region and community she cares about so much.

Bryan’s billion-dollar question is, “What does it take to get the funding you need to get this industry to scale?”

Bryan says the keystone of biochar’s economics is securing a long-term revenue stream that includes research, development, and application funding in the Farm Bill.

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is asking Congress to invest in biochar research to provide more insight into its larger-scale applications through the next Farm Bill under the bipartisan Biochar Research Network Act. If passed, the bill will authorize the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a national-scale research program to test different biochar types in different soils and circumstances. With better research will come innovation and practical tools for farmers, ranchers, foresters, and businesses to lean into biochar as a climate solution.

“Hopefully, it will reach a critical mass where we can survive without subsidies, but it’s still needed,” he said. “Without support in the farm bill, the biochar industry would all but dry up. Biochar has so much potential to impact other areas, but we need to buy time to get into these markets.”

Making the move

After several years in the biochar business, he concluded that the only way to make money is to maximize carbon credits and take advantage of all possible revenue streams, which means using biochar in water systems, construction, and power generation in addition to ag uses.

That’s part of why Bryan and his employees decided to relocate the business to California. The state offers many green energy incentives, and there is a tremendous volume and diversity of forest and ag waste. Farmers can’t burn crop waste like nut shells or take them to landfills, so pyrolyzing is a great solution.

“There’s a huge demand for biochar in Sacramento Valley, and there are grants paying people to apply biochar as part of a remediation and soil improvement strategy,” he said. “Vineyards, orchards, row crops–farmers are trialing this stuff and finding out it has huge advantages.”

Glanris is making a last push to get funding for their $22M project in California, with $20M raised so far. The first phase in California is projected to produce 13,000 tons of biochar per year and generate 2.5 megawatts of electricity. “We’ve already got a 20-year power purchase agreement with a municipality that will sell [generated power] back to the grid,” Bryan said.

He believes green jobs are the jobs of the future, and the California project is expected to create around 20 jobs in its first phase that will pay at least double the prevailing wage for farm workers. As he grows this first instillation and expands to other cities in California, he hopes to create hundreds of green jobs.

Combining worms and biochar has big potential for soil health

In the dry, rugged hills of Eastern Montana, third-generation rancher Steve Charter has managed to carve out a living practicing his own brand of regenerative agriculture. It starts with caring for his soil at a microscopic level to help the rest of the food chain flourish. His current prize crop is an animal that no livestock grower would think to raise, but one that’s essential for a healthy ecosystem: worms.

“I’ve been doing it for about seven years, and we have several worm beds that we feed,” Charter said. “We’re focusing more on what’s going on under the soil than on the surface–that’s where all the really new exciting ideas are happening.”

Adding New Life to the Land

Charter isn’t using the worms themselves–more what they leave behind. Vermicast is, simply put, composted worm poop. Their “castings” create a rich black loam packed with beneficial organisms, natural acids and hormones. The worms’ digestive systems break down nutrients like nitrogen and calcium, making them easier for plants to absorb. Vermicast is almost always a net improvement to any soil.

The first thing Charter did with the vermicast was mix it in his water tanks so the cattle would ingest the microorganisms. “It has amazing health and production benefits. It’s almost magic in a way,” he said.

On his family’s ranch north of Billings, Charter is constantly experimenting with ways to add new life to the land by manufacturing biodiversity with a cocktail of unlikely ingredients. Beneficial microbes and fungi are generated through a process that uses vermicast and biochar to infuse tiny life and nutrients into the grassland pastures.

Biochar is a charcoal-like substance and the byproduct of superheated organic matter that can be turned into compost, animal fodder, and even building materials. When used correctly, biochar can pack a punch far above its weight in building soil structure and fertility. Made up of millions of microscopic cells, there is as much surface area in a teaspoon of biochar as in a football field.

“When we do our vermicast or biochar, it passes through the manure and gets charged with all this biological activity,” Charter said. “There are major studies with good data showing that biochar fed to animals has really strong health effects. It’s possible to restore the range by using our animals to spread the biology and get them to do the work for us.”

Plowing, overgrazing, chemicals and invasive species have degraded a range that’s been in constant production since the 1800s. Charter says he has implemented innovative grazing practices since taking over the ranch in the 80s, aiming to recreate the buffalo’s effect on the land.

Soil health isn’t just on the minds of producers like Charter. The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is asking Congress to invest in biochar research to provide more insight into its larger-scale applications through the next Farm Bill under the bipartisan Biochar Research Network Act. If passed, the bill will authorize the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a national-scale research program to test different biochar types in different soils and circumstances. With better research will come innovation and practical tools for farmers, ranchers, foresters, and businesses to lean into biochar as a climate solution.

‘We don’t have to know it all’

Modest and self-deprecating, Charter admits he’s still learning about regenerative agriculture. He says the industry has a long way to go before these practices are used on a large scale, but things are constantly changing. Lingering questions about research and scalability can be answered with more research and government funding from the Farm Bill currently winding its way through Congress.

“There’s a lot of pieces to the puzzle,” Charter said. “Our soil knowledge has really advanced in the last 15 years. To get benefits, we don’t have to know it all. We can just start experimenting. It’s going to take some key research, but I don’t think we need to let that stop us.”


Fifth-generation Arkansas farmer Jody Hardin was introduced to a potentially game-changing soil additive through a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant in 2011. That’s when Hardin began studying biochar—a charcoal-like material that can be mixed in soil to improve overall soil health.

“I had this huge, eye-opening experience,” Hardin said. “That’s when I started actually using biochar on my crops, doing workshops, and teaching farmers how to make it.”

Biochar is created by heating biomass, such as forest waste or animal manure, in a low-oxygen environment—a process known as pyrolysis. Carbon stored in this form can be added to soil to improve moisture retention, nutrient availability, and aeration and create habitat for beneficial soil microbes, all of which can potentially boost soil productivity. Biochar can also last for thousands of years in soil, so it’s increasingly being viewed as an effective means of sequestering carbon.

Now, Hardin wants to use the knowledge he’s gained to tackle some big challenges across the state by using biochar to clean up the Illinois River watershed, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help farmers improve the quality of their soil through his innovative initiative called the Carbon Chicken Project.

Many birds with one stone

The Carbon Chicken Project, which aims to develop a market-based, carbon-negative farming ecosystem, has taken shape in Northwest Arkansas, an area with a strong poultry production industry. In fact, the state of Arkansas ranks third in the country for the number of broilers produced (1 billion in 2022). Hardin’s plan is specifically designed to address three things: The first is runoff from poultry litter from the region’s many chicken houses that deposits excess phosphorus into the Illinois River watershed. The second is an abundance of forest and sawmill waste, which releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere if left to decompose. Third, Hardin and other farmers are seeking new ways to increase their yields by improving soil health.

To contend with these issues, the project composts the poultry litter and combines it with biochar made from forest and sawmill waste and poultry litter. The result is a soil conditioner to help farmers build healthy soil and reduce the application of expensive fertilizers that can harm the Arkansas River watershed.

For many, this win-win-win solution would be enough. But for Hardin—an agricultural entrepreneur with an economics background—it’s a foundation for a larger vision.

“We’re trying to build this whole ecosystem around biochar that’s very extensive, but when you think about an ecosystem, it’s really a circular economy,” Hardin said. “We can sell the carbon credits, we can sell the biochar, and we can make electricity, and we can clean up a watershed, and we can sequester carbon and prevent climate change. It’s just cascading the benefits of what this product does.”

Accelerating biochar

Producers across the country are looking to Congress to realize biochar’s immense potential. With the most recent Farm Bill recently expired, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is asking Congress to invest in biochar research through the next Farm Bill, under the bipartisan Biochar Research Network Act. If passed, the bill will authorize the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish a national-scale research program to test different biochar types in different soils and circumstances. With better research will come innovation and practical tools for farmers, ranchers, foresters, and businesses to lean into biochar as a climate solution that improves their bottom line.

On the research front, a recent USDA study showed that biochar made from poultry litter adds value and could be an attractive solution for waste disposal for the industry.

Hardin knows the impact that investment in biochar research can make, referring to his own introduction to biochar—and subsequent learning, experimentation, and research—stemmed from a grant from Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG).

“The Carbon Chicken Project would have never ever happened if it wasn’t for this CIG grant,” Hardin said. “That innovation grant really worked because we’ve created this massive environmental solution for Northwest Arkansas’s watershed using a scaled-up idea that started with that little grant.”

Next steps

Right now, Hardin is working on securing project funding while creating an 11-acre carbon innovation and demonstration farm that can serve as a research facility for the Carbon Chicken Project—and to get other agricultural partners on board.

“I’ve been doing biochar research here on my farm for a good year, and I’ve got feedstock sources, I’m building pyrolysis units, I’ve got different application rate studies already going,” he said. “I’m trying to use this as a base to organize farmers so that they can see the amazing benefits and the yield increases, and all the things that we’re doing.”

Remember scraping off your tray in the lunchroom as a kid? Did you ever think about where that waste was going or if it could be more than just garbage? One nonprofit in Silver City, New Mexico is getting its hands dirty and helping kids and school districts reduce lunchroom waste into a valuable learning experience.

The New Earth Project is developing compost processes to create a symbiotic relationship and benefit the community. Carol Ann Fugagli, Education and Outreach Director for the Upper Gila Watershed Alliance and the New Earth Project, explained how they use everyday materials to teach students about climate change and sustainability.

“The looming climate and biodiversity crisis is a real existential threat, and we want to create community resilience,” Fugagli said. “We are focused on educating, inspiring, and empowering youth in our community through educational activities and employment opportunities.”

Carbon capture through composting

New Earth collects food surplus from three school cafeterias and combines it with woody biomass, agricultural byproducts, and biochar in Johnson-Su compost bioreactors. Every week, they fill these bioreactors with this waste and divert approximately 1200 pounds of food waste from the local landfill. The Johnson-Su composting method is a static, aerobic process that produces a diverse, fungal-dominant mix that interacts with plants to sequester carbon in soils, increase water infiltration and retention, fix nitrogen, and increase plant growth.

Students participating in the New Earth Project biochar effort in New Mexico.

Students participating in the New Earth Project biochar effort in New Mexico.

To increase the value and effectiveness of the compost, they add 10% biochar into the mix. Biochar is a charcoal-like substance made by burning organic material from agricultural and forestry wastes (wood chips, logging slash, manure, or other plant byproducts) in a low-oxygen environment. This process, called pyrolysis, turns into pure carbon, converting it into a solid form rather than letting it escape into the atmosphere.

While biochar isn’t a fertilizer, research indicates it can help retain nutrients in the soil due to its high porosity, allowing it to absorb nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon. Think of a housing complex for billions of needed microbes. It can last in the environment anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years, making it an effective tool to sequester carbon.

After three months of experimenting with the amount and type of biomass and biochar, New Earth found just the right mix to yield the best result. Now that the project has perfected its compost “recipe,” they plan to experiment using other waste streams such as salt cedar, cardboard, and compostable plastics.

Accelerating Biochar

The New Mexico Legislature recently gave a vote of confidence to New Earth’s activities, approving a $100,000 general appropriation to the project in the 2023 spring legislative session.

“Young people are freaked out about the climate crisis. Our project is all about instilling the ethic of restoration and hope in young people. We hope to get a composting system into every school so students can have a project to plug into, giving them real power.”

To realize biochar’s potential, America needs a coordinated research program. Congress is crafting the 2023 Farm Bill, which presents a big opportunity to ensure the promise of biochar is realized.

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is asking Congress to invest in biochar research through the Farm Bill, specifically under the Biochar Research Network Act. It will authorize the USDA to establish a national-scale research program to test different biochar types in different soils and circumstances. With better research will come innovation and practical tools for farmers, ranchers, foresters, and businesses to lean into biochar as a climate solution.

Real-world applications

Biochar-enhanced compost can improve soil health by reducing acidity, upping water and nutrient storage, and providing better drainage and aeration. By increasing pH, biochar can invigorate soils by increasing microbial activity, nutrient availability, and reducing heavy metal toxicity.

Fugagli explained how costly fertilizer may be doing more harm than good. “We’ve killed all the microbiology in the way we grow food. Biochar in the ground makes it a little apartment complex for these microorganisms to give them their housing so they can live in this soil.”

New Earth Project staff grind cafeteria food waste for biochar.

New Earth Project staff grind cafeteria food waste for biochar.

“Many biochar producers are not finding a market to sell to because, for many, biochar is new,” Fugagli said. “We work with Trollworks here in the state and have bought them out more than once. Combining biochar with compost makes sense because we can keep carbon at the roots of our plants where it’s needed rather than in the atmosphere where it causes so much damage.”

The New Earth Compost sits for one year before it can be used. December 2023 is when the first batch will be ready. Marketing their product is their next step. Fugagli said she is contacting larger buyers like a local mine and the New Mexico Department of Transportation to gauge interest in soil remediation projects. They also know that revitalizing agricultural land is a big part of the equation.

“There is no solving our climate crisis without solving the agricultural emissions problem,” she said. “We are working to educate users because you don’t apply it as regular compost – which is what people are used to. You can, but a little goes a long way. Biochar-enhanced compost can help transform ag soils into living soils.”


If you have ever stared into the coals of a fire pit, you have witnessed the powerful chemical reaction between heat and organic matter. But what if the blackened remains of a bonfire could be used to grow better food, prevent catastrophic wildfires, and slow the acceleration of climate change?

It’s hard to believe such a low-tech innovation could have so many benefits, but that’s the power of a material called “biochar.”

The charcoal-like substance is made by burning organic material from agricultural and forestry wastes (wood chips, logging slash, manure, or other plant byproducts) in a low-oxygen environment. This process, called pyrolysis, heats biomass with the absence of oxygen. It traps the carbon in the biochar itself, converting it into a solid form rather than letting it escape into the atmosphere.

Far from a new concept, biochar is as old as agriculture itself. Adding charred organic waste to fields has been done effectively by Indigenous people for millennia. Still, the idea that biochar could be perfected to maximize soil productivity and mitigate climate change has been around for less than 20 years.

While biochar isn’t a fertilizer, research indicates it supports healthy soil biology. It can help retain nutrients and water in the soil due to its charged surface, which allows it to absorb nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and other essential elements. It can last in the environment anywhere from hundreds to thousands of years, making it an effective tool to sequester carbon.

From waste to energy

Gordon West, founder and CEO of Silver City-based Trollworks LLC, has worked for 35 years experimenting with alternative uses for wood waste and forest products. He grew from operating his own woodworking business to researching forest restoration, then pivoted to using wood chips in commercial products like concrete and erosion control systems. One day in 2012, a local inventor introduced him to biochar cooking stoves, and the wheels started turning.

“We were trying to turn that waste material into an asset, and so my approach changed from making biochar to making heat with biochar as a co-product,” he said.

West believes the biochar byproduct is cheaper than natural gas and roughly as clean when burned correctly. “The energy is actually free, carbon-negative energy created by restoring the environment,” he said. “It’s a clean renewable from a liability. I call it reverse coal mining. Plants remove carbon from the atmosphere. We convert the plant biomass to carbon and a flammable gas (smoke), burn the smoke for energy, and put the carbon in the soil to improve plant growth.”

Biochar producers find that forest and farm waste are excellent free carbon sources. Alternative materials like rice stalks, weeds, pecan shells, and cotton stalks have become popular in New Mexico. Only 1% of the cotton plant is used for cotton. The rest is waste.

The continued evolution of biochar has innovators like West thinking big. “We can replace huge amounts of fossil fuels,” he said. “Because of pyrolysis, you’re still getting a flammable gas to drop into traditional kinds of heaters or even to fuel electrical generators.”

West is currently focused on soil regeneration, thermal fuels, and coupling biochar pyrolysis units to existing boilers and HVAC systems to meet consumer heating needs. He said the greatest interest he’s seen in biochar has been as an energy source–he recently won a grant to heat a classroom building at Northern New Mexico College while making biochar.

He’s optimistic about transforming biomass waste into “bioenergy” while sequestering carbon and creating jobs in rural communities. “Biochar is a new thing, so it’s like trying to grow a market from scratch,” he said. “We hope to grow both things incrementally.”

Accelerating Biochar

To realize biochar’s potential, America needs a coordinated research program. Congress is crafting the 2023 Farm Bill, which presents a big opportunity to ensure the promise of biochar is realized.

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) is asking Congress to invest in biochar research through the Farm Bill, specifically under the Biochar Research Network Act. It will authorize the USDA to establish a national-scale research program to test different biochar types in different soils and circumstances. With better research will come innovation and practical tools for farmers, ranchers, foresters, and businesses to lean into biochar as a climate solution.

The continued evolution of biochar has innovators like West thinking big. “For many people, biochar is new, so it’s like trying to grow a market from scratch. But I believe we can replace huge amounts of fossil fuels and transform waste into “bioenergy” while sequestering carbon and creating jobs in rural communities.”

Real-world applications

Biochar improves soil health by reducing acidity, upping water and nutrient storage, and providing better drainage and aeration. Biochar can invigorate soils by increasing microbial activity, nutrient availability, and reducing heavy metal toxicity. When using biochar, some farmers have been able to reduce their phosphorus use by 100% and nitrogen by 85% after a few years.

According to West, farmers use biochar and compost as an extract, brew it in water like a teabag, and spray it on fields as a liquid input. It can also be used as a clay-like seed coating to give seeds a microbial head-start in their growth.

As for alternative uses, biochar can be incorporated as aggregate into concrete, used as a component in asphalt road construction, or as a replacement for activated charcoal to filter and absorb contaminants. Forest Service scientists are researching how applying it to soils at abandoned mines can improve water quality, bind heavy metals, and decrease toxic chemical concentrations while improving soil health to establish sustainable plant cover.

West says the ultimate goal of his work is “giving people things they can do every day” to fight the effects of climate change. “Everybody feels pretty hopeless about these large problems. These ideas have been around forever, and there’s nothing complicated about the technology. It’s just thinking about things differently.”

American Farmland Trust, the National Center for Appropriate Technology and the U.S. Biochar Initiative today released Recommendations to Scale Up Sustainable Biochar Research and Commercialization for Agriculture and Conservation, which outlines actions to facilitate the development of a sustainable industry to supply biochar as a crop and grazing land amendment for farmers. Investment in research, production capacity, market mechanisms, outreach, and education will facilitate the broader application of biochar on farms and secure benefits for agriculture along with the delivery of renewable energy as a coproduct.  

In March 2022, Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR), NCAT and AFT hosted a two-day virtual event on biochar research and commercialization. Discussions reflected broad agreement that building a pyrolysis biochar and bioenergy industry is a promising near-term strategy for carbon removal. Sustainable fit-for-purpose biochar integrated in soil health management systems has potential to address climate change, build productivity and resilience of farms and forests, and create jobs and opportunity across rural America. Chuck Hassebrook, Director of NCAT’s Biochar Policy Project said, “There is great opportunity to build a biochar and biofuel industry that enhances soil health, sequesters carbon, improves farm and forest income, and creates jobs and opportunity across rural America. But federal investment in research and development is needed to unlock that opportunity.” 

Building a sustainable pyrolysis biochar bioenergy industry will require a coordinated, multi-faceted strategy. Supportive public policy is needed to prompt investment in production capacity and market development. Convening participants stressed that commercially relevant results are needed during the next five years. Rachel Seman-Varner, Senior Scientist at AFT said, “Current barriers limit the widespread production and use of biochar, and therefore the realization of the full potential climate adaptation and mitigation benefits of the practice. Key barriers can be addressed with a cross-agency, multi-stakeholder approach outlined with these recommendations.”  

This white paper presents four core policy recommendations derived from the convening.  

  • Coordinated Biochar Research Initiative – A coordinated research approach is recommended that includes cross-site and site-specific research to understand the interactions between various biochars, soils, crops, management, and weather as proposed in the Biochar Research Network Act introduced recently in Congress. 
  • Biochar Outreach, Extension and Education – In order to scale up biochar use, gaps in knowledge need to be filled by outreach, extension and education organizations to support farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange, on-farm demonstration trials, development of decision support tools, public-private partnerships to support biochar adoption, and knowledge transfer. 
  • Support of Commercialization of Biochar & Development of a Sustainable Biochar & Biofuel Industry – Developing a sustainable biochar biofuel industry will require strategic incentives and investments – we cannot wait for production and markets to align. 
  • Cross Agency Action Plan – This white paper outlines detailed recommendations for cross agency actions among USDA, DOE, EPA, and other agencies to address policy barriers to biochar adoption.  

Tom Miles, Executive Director of US Biochar Initiative said, “Biochars and biochar-amended products are being used productively in agriculture today. Improved outreach, government incentives, and long-term research are needed to stimulate investment, scale production, and validate long-term agronomic and environmental benefits.” 

We cannot wait 50 years to realize the potential of biochar. We present these policy recommendations to meet that challenge. 

To view the recorded convening and summary paper along with additional biochar resources, visit the convening webpage on AFT’s Farmland Information Center. 

American Farmland Trust is the only national organization that takes a holistic approach to agriculture, focusing on the land itself, the agricultural practices used on that land, and the farmers and ranchers who do the work. AFT launched the conservation agriculture movement and continues to raise public awareness through our No Farms, No Food message. Since our founding in 1980, AFT has helped permanently protect over 7 million acres of agricultural lands, advanced environmentally-sound farming practices on a half million additional acres and supported thousands of farm families. www.farmland.org

CONTACT: Lori Sallet, E: lsallet@farmland.org  ● P: (410) 708-5940  


THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY has been helping people build resilient communities through local and sustainable solutions that reduce poverty, strengthen self-reliance, and protect natural resources since 1976. Headquartered in Butte, Montana, NCAT has field offices in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Learn more and become a friend of NCAT at NCAT.ORG

CONTACT: Emilie Ritter, E: emilier@ncat.org 


US Biochar Initiative promotes the safe, stable, and sustainable production and us of biochar through research, policy, technology, and implementation. Join our network and the growing biochar industry to share findings and best practices that improve soil health and productivity while removing carbon from the atmosphere. 

CONTACT: John Webster E: info@biochar-us.org  ● P: (801) 870-2465 

Today, on World Soil Day, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and American Farmland Trust (AFT) released Scaling Sustainable Biochar Research & Commercialization for Agriculture & Conservation: A Summary from a Stakeholder Convening that summarizes how sustainably produced and applied biochar will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to mitigate climate change and build healthy high functioning soils. Additionally, the paper outlines research needs and gaps to scale up implementation and establish a pyrolysis biochar bioenergy industry.

Biochar is a charcoal-like substance made from pyrolyzing organic materials, such as agricultural and forest waste, often co-produced with renewable energy. Pyrolysis, the most common technology employed to produce biochar, converts organic materials under low-oxygen and high-temperature conditions (400 – 600ºC) into highly stable carbon compounds that remain in soils for hundreds to thousands of years. Biochar’s highly stabilized carbon-rich composition enables it to boost the benefits of other soil health practices, and to build productive, high functioning, resilient soils. Furthermore, biochar sequesters carbon in the long-term and reduces GHG emissions.

The paper is a summary of a March 2022 virtual convening event on biochar research and commercialization, hosted by FFAR, NCAT and AFT.

“This white paper demonstrates a clear need for coordinated efforts in both the public and private sectors and the creation of innovative partnerships to resolve the research and innovation gaps that have limited the widespread application of biochar to agricultural soils,” said LaKisha Odom, Ph.D., FFAR soil health scientific program director. “I am especially excited about the research roadmap and collaboration opportunities that are possible.”

“Biochar, together with its biofuel coproduct, has great potential to build healthy soils, strengthen rural economies and remove carbon from the atmosphere,” said Steve Thompson, NCAT executive director. “But that potential will be realized only with concerted action to close knowledge gaps, develop markets and implement supportive policy. The convening and this report point the way.”

“A coordinated effort is needed to resolve the research, development and policy gaps that have limited the widespread adoption of sustainable, fit-for-purpose biochar amendments for diverse agricultural soils,” said Rachel Seman-Varner Ph.D., AFT senior soil health and biochar scientist of AFT’s Climate Initiative. “The convening event and this white paper brought together scientific, industry and policy experts to identify gaps that need to be addressed to move this practice forward as a synergistic tool in the soil health and climate-smart toolbox.”

The paper also supports the use of sustainably sourced organic waste products and outlines the potential to include bioenergy crops to simultaneously generate biofuels and biochar for application to farm, ranch, and forest lands. Recordings of the convening event and the paper are also available on the Farmland Information Center page, Convening on Biochar Research and Commercialization. A companion paper that summarizes research, stakeholder action, and policy recommendations for a coordinated strategy to support a pyrolysis biochar bioenergy industry will be released by AFT and NCAT in early 2023.


About the American Farmland Trust (AFT)  

American Farmland Trust is the only national organization that takes a holistic approach to agriculture, focusing on the land itself, the agricultural practices used on that land, and the farmers and ranchers who do the work. AFT launched the conservation agriculture movement and continues to raise public awareness through our No Farms, No Food message. Since our founding in 1980, AFT has helped permanently protect over 6.8 million acres of agricultural lands, advanced environmentally-sound farming practices on millions of additional acres and supported thousands of farm families.     

CONTACT: Lori Sallet, E: lsallet@farmland.org ● P: (410) 708-5940


About the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)  

FFAR builds public-private partnerships to multiply the U.S.’s public research investment and accelerate actionable solutions to urgent food and agriculture challenges. FFAR’s Soil Health Challenge Area has interest in biochar due to the importance of carbon drawdown, the imminence of time and the need to address knowledge gaps, as well as the need for implementation and scale in the biochar space. FFAR is interested in developing coordinated funding opportunities to support near-term technology development for biochar.  

CONTACT:  Michelle Olgers, E: molgers@foundationfar.org ● P: (804) 304-4200


About the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)  

The National Center for Appropriate Technology has been helping people build resilient communities through local and sustainable solutions that reduce poverty, strengthen self-reliance, and protect natural resources since 1976. Headquartered in Butte, Montana, NCAT has field offices in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Learn more and become a friend of NCAT at NCAT.ORG

CONTACT: Emilie Ritter, Director of Communications and Development, emilier@ncat.org

By Steve Thompson, NCAT Executive Director

Dave Atkins, a forest landowner in Montana’s Blackfoot Valley, peers through the smoke-filled gloom of another hot and dry August, and he sees hope on the horizon. He’s part of a collaborative project with other small landowners, federal land agencies, conservation and watershed groups that thinks that an important solution can be found in a porous black shred of carbon called biochar.
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